Our workshops are filled with engaging activities, thought-provoking discussions, and
life-changing lessons you can share for a lifetime. Support us by attending or hosting a workshop.
Bible Lessons: Studies filled with engaging visuals, activities, and discussion questions that bring to life the stories and lessons of the Bible. A good resource for Sunday school, Bible study, or personal growth.

US & Global History Lessons: NYS Curriculum-based lessons are filled with visuals, discussions, activities, and assessments. A good resource for tutoring, home school, or addition to your classroom.

Your contribution helps us meet an estimated building cost of $2,000,000

Purpose giving:
Donate as you are led
Partner giving:
Commit to $300/yr = $25/mth. = $6.25/wk.
Project giving:
Donate to a part of the building project,
in the form of materials, supplies or services
e.g., mechanical, electrical, plumbing, framing, furnishings.
*Company donations will be highlighted
on the V.I.P. (Vision Implementing Partners)
vendor resource page of the website*